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Thursday, August 4, 2011

C-Section VS. "Natural" Birth

After Brandt was born I had someone comment that he would have come eventually... Insinuating that I should not have gone w/ the c-section.... (If you haven't read my birth story then read this)  That was hurtful and so I decided to blog about birthing options.. Some might find it controversial so if you don't want to hear about it, then stop right here!! First of all every woman has a different body and different ways of laboring.. For example: there once was a woman that had a baby after laboring for 4 days.. She almost died and after the birth it was touch and go on the little man.. 7 more times this woman suffered through labor, blood transfusions, long hospital stays, and almost dying to birth her babies! The 9th child was a c-section and what a breeze that was along w/ the last 4!! This is a true story, I know, that woman is my dearly beloved Grandmother!! Her body was just not made to push out a baby, and all of my aunts and mother ended up w/ c-sections.. Does this mean they are all bad? NO it does NOT!! God just made their bodies a little different so they needed a little help to have those little ones! Some woman have an easy time of labor and delivery.. Not very long labors and out pops baby, but everyone is NOT the same!! I have a hard time of having regular labors and beings I had previous c-sections can't have the PIT to help me along.. Sooo should I go through days of labor and finally when it comes time to deliver then maybe not have the strength to do it and end up w/ a section anyway?? I think not! This little munchkin inside of me will be born by c-section and I am perfectly fine with that. I really do not want to go through what I did with Little Man! The point of my topic today is that everybody is different and goes through different things. Just because you have an easy time  and can't understand why anyone would CHOOSE to get cut open.. or vice versa why anyone would WANT to go through labor!.. I am just saying please do not judge somebody because of their birthing choice! Thank you..

To Be Continued......Someday


  1. Oh and so you don't start telling me all the vitamins and herbs I could take to help my labor.. Did that, it didn't help...

  2. I can so empathize with how you feel about those hurtful comments. I have had five children, all by c-section. I have a proper sized body to give birth, but there is a 'connection' missing and my body will not go past 2cm (and I think 40 hours with labor #1 and 27 hours with #2 is plenty of time to know this). We are, indeed, all different. Thanks for this excellent post!

  3. Personally I don't think it's anyone's business what birthing method you choose. Really the only one's who get to have something to say about it are you and your doctor :)

  4. I agree...But I gotta say that I am soo thankful I have been able to have my babies naturally. But if I were in your shoes, I'd probably go for a c-section too!

  5. I never comment on blogs but find myself doing so on your blog again. You are so right. I had my first with an epidural. It took me five years to admit to anyone. I was ashamed that I did not have my baby "naturally". God bless your new one. I hope you have a speedy recovery after he/she is born.

  6. i am very thankful i was able to have all my babies naturally. However, if it was not safe for me or baby to have them naturally, it'd be asinine to do so-when c-sections are available. On the other hand, i believe it'd be asinine to have a c-section, just for the fun of it! :-)
    i believe you are making the right decision...and agree with others who say that's between you and doc~ no one else!! GOD BLESS YOU and YOURS!! xo

  7. I was so blessed to have all my babies easily and naturally, w/ two I didn't even require any stitches. However I had big struggles nursing my babies. I am also thankful that there is medical intervention of many kinds for women who need it cuz lots of my friends need that kind of blessing too. You know what you need Amanda. Pat

  8. No one can make that decision for you. I think it's always hurtful when people judge other poeples decisions that they have prayerfully and often tearfully made. In the end we truely cannot say what we would do in anothers place because we haven't REALLY been there even if we had a similiar situation. I don't appreciate being judged for homeschooling or how I homeschool and I don't really care to know everyones opinion on my having a home birth either. These decisions are made with many tears and prayer and only Carson, myself and our good Father in Heaven can make those decisions with me! May God bless you and your new little one~ Mindy

  9. I agree with you 137%!! Seriously. Nothing makes me mad faster than some know-it-all moron sitting in her easy chair blabbing on the phone after having easy births trying to condemn my other friend for having C-sections. All because her SISTER told her after hearing the story, that there was no way that my friend was in full blown labor even after 36 hours if she was only dialated to a 3. Amen that's the law. You are now required to die for your kids and kill them in the process because you're to stupid and idiotic to use the gift GOD gave to help women like you.
    I have had all mine naturally if for no other reason that needles (and the drugs you get thru the needle) scare the crap out of me, but that doesn't mean I should go around beating people over the head for having epidurals and stuff. Good grief! WHY do these idiots even open their mouths??!

    I'm done now. LOL! P.S. I hope that person who said that to you will read this! :D

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  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I is never our place to judge others...Praying for healthy pregnancy and baby:)

  13. if it never happened to you, you have no idea what you would do... in any circumstance! much less childbirth...i had 3 c-sec and 3 natural,been on both ends of the spectrum

    had a friend "trying to do the right thing" deliver a baby feet first and it went on to heaven... :(

    when my baby was "feet first" 18 months later, and they said...c-sec, i didnt wonder..i knew what was safe and reasonable For me, that is....

    in this world we have moms who do it for convenience, take natural anyday! but any choice you make shouldnt be "subject" to all the gritty gossip....who really cares? as long as baby and mom are safe....dont seek other peoples approval, you dont need it

  14. Hi Amanda, I am just now seeing this. You are right that it isn't for anyone else to decide what is best for you. Just a thought. Maybe the person who said that wasn't insinuating anything. Maybe he/she was just thinking that Brandt probably would've come at some point, but that doesn't mean it would've been the best way for him to come, although it is true that maybe he wouldn't have come either. We all have to make our decisions with much prayer. I certainly pray very much when I'm going to have a baby. Of course I would prefer to have them naturally if possible and am thankful that I have always been able to so far.
