family pic

family pic

Friday, September 30, 2011


So I figured I better come on here and let you know I am still here!! Been busy this last week (and longer) getting ready for our move.. We are planning on leaving tomorrow, hopefully bright and early.. I am just taking a break for lunch and then need to do last minute running.. Not sure when I will post next!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


We are all settled (as much as a family of 7 can be) in at my parents house, and this week we started school. I am homeschooling this year for a few reasons:

A. We are moving across country
2. We really can't afford private school at the moment
C. I do not feel right putting my kids in public school.. The way I see it, why would I send my young, impressionable kiddos somewhere that God is not welcome?

Soooo yesterday got off to a bad start, Shiloh was very emotional about everything, he is one that really benefits from a school atmosphere where the only thing that is going on is teaching.... AND Little Man had kept me up the night before with a bad cold... Today seems to be going better, the kiddos are all working away and Brandt is napping.. Tyrel won't be starting school until after our move as I was worried that the books would not come in time.. For him we are doing CLASS (Christian Liberty), I am excited about that because I don't have to do anything besides send his work in. They keep track of his grades, credits, etc.

I wanted to point out a few things tho...just because I am homeschooling does not mean I enjoy teaching.. I DON'T.. I do it because I feel this is what we need to be doing now.. There are a few types of homeschooling mommas, ones that really love to teach and ones that do it because they feel that is best for their children.. I fall into the latter category.. I have often heard people say, "oh, but you are so smart and organized." Sorry, that doesn't make you a good teacher. You have to enjoy teaching to enjoy homeschooling.. Me, I loved when my kids would come home from school and tell me all the things they learned, especially in Bible. Things that I wouldn't have thought to point out to them. I loved the family atmosphere of HCS. So beings I don't enjoy homeschooling does this make me a bad mother? NO it doesn't.. I love my kids just as much as anybody else. I love spending time with them and living life, but don't like being an "educator."  But for now we will take one day at a time and learn all we can. And for those that really love homeschooling, I say "awesome", I am glad for you!!.. I just wanted to point out how I feel and since this is my blog, I figured I could! :)  

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Littlest Miracle!

I was going to post this tomorrow for Fingerprint Friday, but our internet will be shut off so am posting it today!!

"I am fearfully and wonderfully made!"
Psalm 139:14

Little angel's feet, crossed at the ankle! I love how perfect they are!!
Seeing my little baby for the first time was such a joy.. I was so relieved to see that everything is the way it should be.. Not sure if I am just getting older, but I worry more about things being wrong.. Or maybe it's the fact that I hear more of things that could go wrong.. Whatever the case I felt so much better after seeing my little sweetpea!! I am so in love and at the moment am feeling lots of jumping around in there!! :)