Of course the first few months of my pregnancy I was anxious... One day I was reading in a devotional I had received from my secret sister (more on that another time) and I turned to a page that said this:
Through my divine power, I have given you everything you need for life and godliness.
Don't limit me to your previous experiences; I want to do new things in your life.
My plans are far beyond your wildest dreams!
Your Faithful God
Well as you can guess, I cried and cried! It doesn't matter what I had gone through before, it doesn't necessarily mean it will happen again.. God can do anything he wants to do! WOW I had needed that... Anyway to continue on with my miracle story... I was due April 8th 2010... The 8th came and went nothing happening... I was going to attempt a VBAC and have this baby "naturally".. Well on the 12th I went in for my OB appointment and the doc stripped my membranes.. I was having mild contractions before that and they continued on after.. That evening as we timed the contractions they were getting closer together so we decided to head to the hospital... We arrived and I really wasn't dilated much, maybe 2 cm.. They put me on the monitor and watched for awhile.. Nothing much happening so they said I could go home if I wanted.. I was nervous about that so we opted to just stay under observation.. No sooner had the nurse walked out of the room and my water broke... The night passed slowly w/ little sleep and little change.. By morning I was tired and ready to get the show on the road.. We would walk and contractions would pick up and get harder.. Ok, maybe we are getting somewhere now! Contractions are 3 minutes apart for an hour and a half..then 15 minutes..20 minutes.. Argh, this is getting annoying! Of course, beings it is a VBAC they can't put me on pitocin, so I went all day going through this... Afternoon rolls around and the doctor comes in to give me my options... By then I was tired and uneasy about going on (I know there are people who think I should have waited)so I told him, "I just want to hold my baby!".. So off to the operating room, where Brandt Matthew was born at 4:46 PM weighing 7lbs and 7 oz.. When the doc said his cord was around his neck and he really hadn't dropped yet, I was reassured of my decision! What an awesome feeling, to hold MY baby after so many years and losses! I was in awe then and still am today as my 10 month old son plays right here beside me and gives me a grin! We serve an awesome God!
The little miracle!
The poem I wrote to send out w/ his birth announcements:
Our Miracle
As we sit here gazing down at you
Our little man, a dream come true
A precious one, so soft and sweet
With tiny hands and tiny feet
T’was not so long ago, you see
We thought this dream would never be
Of having you, oh little one
Yet here you are, our darling son
A cherished gift from God above
A treasure true, wrapped in His love
Our arms are full, our hearts overflow
As we behold you Brandt, Our Miracle!
Mommy and Baby ready to go home..
My handsome boy!!
You have turned for me my mourning into dancing;
You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness,
To the end that my glory may sing praise to You and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever.
Psalm 30:11-12
here he is today at 10 months