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family pic

Thursday, January 23, 2014

A Long Overdue Update!!

I am long overdue for this update, but as most of you know last year was not a great year and I really did not have the heart or energy to write! One good thing that happened is in early December we finally became homeowners again!! What an awesome feeling, to have a place, albeit small (for now), to call our very own! I will hopefully soon get pictures and blog about that. For now I will just share our Christmas letter for those that didn't get one. Here goes:

The Year of Tears

This has been a sad, sad year
Lots of heartache, lots of tears
For three uncles whom I knew and loved
Spread their wings for heaven above
Leaving wives, children, grandchildren too
To go on without them, so sad, but true
The other side of my family did not escape
For three others have made it to heaven's gate

But life goes on and so we must
Leaning on God and in Him we trust
To get us through each new day
Until with our loved ones again someday
Together forever, for all eternity
And finally His face we will get to see
But until then we plod along
Only with God's help can we be strong

As for me and my family here below
We're still here, don't ya know
Tyrel 16, owns a car and is kind of cool
Works with his dad and does PennFoster for school
Kirsten at 15 is learning to drive
A big help at home with the Lord by her side
Laban is 13, another teen
A great outdoorsman, his eyesight is keen

Shiloh at 12, a big help so true
When it comes to playing with the youngest two
Brandt now 3 and a half still loves to play
His imagination sometimes takes him far away
Konner at 22 months* is still the baby
A cuddly guy, but he can be goofy and crazy
It's been seventeen years for Tim and I
Loving each other while on Christ we rely

Now as this poem comes to a close
I ask that you remember those
Who faced so much loss this dreadful year
And never forget to love on those you hold dear!!

Amanda West

*this was written a couple of months ago, so Konner is now a 2 year old!!


  1. Yes, last year was a year of tears. It was also a year of joy for us because we were given our bundle of joy, Emmeline Martha, whom we had waited so long for! I pray this year will be a year of healing for the Seppala family. ((hugs))

  2. Good to see you back! We continue to keep all the family in our prayers.

  3. Yes, good to see you back! I look forward to the post on your new home! :) We too, continue to keep all the family in our prayers!
