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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Cruise Alaska (Part 5) Victoria BC

Our last day of the trip was an evening port in Victoria, British Columbia. We didn't have anything scheduled for there either so just strolled to Fisherman's Wharf and back to the ship..

Oh Canada!!

Fisherman's Wharf.. these are water taxis..

Houses that people actually live in..

Some people even had signs on there houses to go away!!

Sign at the fish and chip place..

Pretty sunset!

Walking back to the ship I noticed we left our light on. It's the middle room directly above the lifeboat. Our home for 7 nights!!

The next morning we docked bright and early in Seattle and then headed home. I wanted to be awake for when we came in to the harbor, but snoozed through that as it is so relaxing sleeping on a ship!! I so recommend a cruise to Alaska if that is something you've ever halfway thought about..

Stay tuned for some more about the marriage retreat on the ship..


  1. :):) Sounds like you had a lovely time!!

  2. Sounds like something I'd enjoy. A cruise, that is... :) Maybe I'll just get a house boat and float around in a little pond... ;P

    1. Seriously, it was sooo relaxing. Of course if I got sick I'm sure it wouldn't have been! A houseboat would be fun!! You could float around and write stories. :)

  3. Sounds like a good time!
    I think I might get to sick to go on a cruise, but if I didn't I would probably love it!!
