family pic

family pic

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Family Christmas'

Last weekend we headed down to the west (A.K.A. wet) side of the state to spend Christmas with family. Saturday we spent the day with the Washington Stenersen's and on Christmas Eve we had the West family Christmas. We came home on Christmas Day so haven't even had our Christmas yet, that will be on Saturday! My two youngest came down with colds and are miserable, I am hoping they feel better by Saturday so they can enjoy their gifts! I will share a few pictures before I go and rock my baby boy!

Konner Lee

Pretty in Pink! I forgot his cup and a bib so we had to borrow some.. :)

Jamen and Brandt waiting to open gifts

He is a whirlwind of activity..always grabbing everything!!

the boys

the girls
Cambree, Sabra, and Ariel sang for us..
our "baskets" for the exchange!


  1. Oh looks so fun! Your picture of Konner & comment of him "grabbing everything reminds me of whirlwind Kyran..hmmm maybe its the K's;-) He still hasnt slowed:) Love your guys's
    cute baskets. Miss all you guys!

  2. That was fun! Too bad your boys came down with a cold...that's never fun.

  3. I nominated you for The Liebster Award, visit my blog to read all about it!
