family pic

family pic

Monday, May 16, 2016

Kaaren Sue!

  Friday, May 13th at 37 weeks we were ready to meet baby number 8, the one who would complete our family. Surgery was scheduled for 12:30 in the main OR so we headed out to be there 2 hours early. We arrived, got checked in and prepped. It all went well especially since I declined the Reglan so my anxiety was no worse than normal. The spinal went in great and the anesthesiologist did an awesome job. Finally it was time to find out who baby was!! 
  My heart was pounding as they pushed on my abdomen to get that baby out. When I heard the words "it's a baby girl" I was so overcome with emotion and could not stop crying. I just thanked Jesus over and over while I was laying there and they were finishing up. 
Meeting my angel! 

  I was in the PACU for awhile and then sent back to my room. Once in there we attempted feeding, but it wasn't going to well so I was just dozing with my little lady. All of a sudden I jerked awake in a panic. The room started spinning and closing in on me. I pushed the nurse call button, but nobody was coming so I hollered at Tim to get someone as I was dying. All of a sudden the room was full of people and by then I was drenched in sweat. They couldn't get a blood pressure reading at all. The doctor grabbed an ultrasound machine and found lots of fluid in my abdomen which he was suspicious about it being blood. So off to the OR I was rushed. They went in through the same incision and found me full of blood. I lost pretty much all my bodies blood and was given 4 units in the operating room along with one unit of platelets. They found the source of bleeding which was a blood vessel that kept pulsing so each time my heart beat blood would pump into my abdomen. They got that sewed up and all the other oozing spots they stitched. The doctor said I was so full of scar tissue and that our decision to be done having babies was the best we could make! 
  I was sent to ICU where I would stay for the night and most of Saturday. Tim was able to stay with Kaaren in my room in the maternity ward so that made me feel better. I received a unit of plasma and two additional units of blood while in the ICU and that really helped to perk me up again! As of now I am still in the hospital and will be going home tomorrow. Kaaren is perfect but tiny weighing in at 5 lbs. 11.6 oz. and 18.5 inches long. She passed all the tests they had for her so could actually go home but will stay with me as my guest. 
  This was definitely not the way I thought our birth story would be and am so glad for the doctor that prepared for the worst. If he hadn't it could have ended a lot worse. I thank God for my doctor and the whole team that took care of me! On top of having major surgery twice I now have to recover from blood loss and transfusions so would love if you would all keep us in your prayers. And thanks to those that have been praying! 

In ICU, alive! 

Life giving blood

Finally made it back to the maternity ward!

Sweet sweet baby girl! 

Bruises... I don't even know when they did anything here...

She had her eyes open! 

Monday, May 9, 2016

Baby Week!

  Well, I can't believe it's already baby week and I have so much going on. Every day I have to be somewhere... Today I met with the anesthesiologist just to consult with him to get an idea of what will be going to happen. I had asked him and my OB about Reglan which I have heard can cause anxiety. (It is one of two medicines they give you to settle your stomach for surgery) That makes sense as the last two births I would be ok and all of a sudden start to panic and want to run down the hall away from the OR! So, anyway they both told me that I can just tell them I don't want it and I plan on doing that. Of course I am still nervous about the spinal, but if that is what had caused the severe panic before I am praying I can handle it this time! Would love your prayers too! I also got a small tour of the NICU just in case baby ends up there...
  The rest of this week I have another bpp ultrasound and have to have my blood drawn to be typed and screened so they can make sure they have enough blood and blood products available for me. I will be delivering in the main OR instead of the labor and delivery one as there they have fast access to everything just in case things go south... 
  Busy, busy, not to mention I have to bring Brandt in to get an abcessed tooth pulled and the Littles plus Laban are all getting colds again! If you could all just pray for me and my family this week it would be so appreciated! Thanks! Soon we will be meeting this little one who will complete our family! 

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Saturday Fun

Today at the local grocery store/market they had the fire department come out to talk to the public about being prepared for wildfires. I know my Littles love firetrucks so Kirsten and I took the 3 youngest along with the dog to check it out. The Littles enjoyed seeing the firetruck and Brandt even sat in it. There was free hot dogs, chips, and water for lunch so that was great! The boys came home with coloring books, stickers, flashing lights, and info about fires. It was a fun short adventure for them!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

34 Weeks and Counting!

  I guess I should post a pregnancy update for those that may be wondering how it is all going. 
  At 32 weeks I had an MRI looking to see if the placenta was indeed growing in to the uterus. Well the results came back good for that, it doesn't show any invasion! Although I have heard of the results showing nothing and then during delivery finding out that there was actually something going on after all. So I will relax more once baby is delivered safely. 
  I still have cpp (complete placenta previa) so am scheduled to deliver at 37 weeks, just over two weeks away! So would love your prayers that all will go well! My OB says we are still going to have blood and blood products on hand and ready in the event they are needed. That makes me feel so much better about it all. It was such a relief to hear him say that, I seriously almost cried, as that is my big fear! I may have to go in early to have my blood drawn to be typed and matched (or whatever it's called) since I have the big E antibody and he didn't know if that would be a problem.
  I have been having bio physical profile ultrasounds weekly as baby is on the small side, but so far the little love is doing everything right. I do have one more growth ultrasound to check the growth next week. I think it will be my 12th ultrasound this pregnancy! So there you have it, my crazy life lately! 

The little love, 34 weeks 4 days. . And in case you are wondering, the thing on the left is baby's leg. Yup, leg, this little one is a contortionist it seems! 

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Our Farm...

In the past month and a half we have added quite a few critters to our little "farm"... We now have a new puppy, 3 sheep, a calf, a very pregnant cat, and still have the chickens we had before!! So it's safe to say we have expanded quite a bit!! A few pictures of our new additions..
Brutus or Bruno, depends who you ask!

One of the sheep (or beep if it's Chase talking) and Astrid our new pup!

Chase is loving the animals and I think going to be a little farmer.. One evening he was herding the sheep towards the shelter and saying "nu night beep, nu night beep" after checking their teeth out!! 

Brandt Turns 6!!

Has it really been six years since we welcomed our Little Man? And here we are with baby number 8 soon to be born.... 
With placenta previa and moderate restrictions, this year I decided to order a cake instead of doing my own. While we all missed the cupcakes I usually do, the prep work was way more relaxing!! Kirsten did a lot so I felt rather lazy which I guess is what I am supposed to be doing anyway, being lazy! Brandt loves animals and wanted an animal theme so the cake I ordered from a friend of a friend was a woodland animal theme. Here are some pictures:


Birthday Boy...

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

God's Answer....

Remember on my post about family sizes when I posted that it might be out of my control anyway? Well here's a pregnancy update and explanation of why I said that.. About a month ago I met with the high risk doctor and had an ultrasound. He determined that I have  placenta previa which can be rather scary. (This is what I had with Shiloh causing me to hemorrhage and be hauled away  by ambulance, etc.) Mine is complete which means my cervix is completely covered and there is not a whole lot of chance that it will move, resulting in an early birth of baby. Reading of all the women who end up in the hospital on bed rest due to bleeds is daunting... BUT that isn't even the scariest part.. There is also a 61% chance that I have something called placenta accreta due to the fact that I have placenta previa and have had 4 prior C-sections. My ultrasound showed that the placenta is morbidly adhered (he didn't 100% diagnose it as accreta, because all of the symptoms weren't there) so I go in for an MRI at week 32 to see for sure if/how far the placenta is growing into my uterus. What I have read tho sometimes they really can't tell until they open you up. AND they would take baby even earlier, meaning steroid shots and all that fun stuff... Some of the things I have read: over 6 hour surgeries, ICU for momma, NICU for baby make me a bit nervous.. But you never know, they might open me up and everything be perfectly fine. Doc says we will prepare for the worst (blood, platelets, frozen plasma, and a few other things I've never heard of, ready if needed), but hope for the best. These last few pregnancies each time one or more new complications have been thrown at me so I told him that this feels like God telling me I am done.. I will be the mother of 8 and that's what He wants for me. So he said that they won't fight as hard to save my uterus if it comes down to it, as they would for a first time momma. I would rather they save my life than my uterus!! I am supposed to be taking it easy, no heavy lifting, traveling, etc. which if you know me, you know I am a busy momma!! Now you know where my brain has been lately, whirring with all this info and scenarios.. I know that I will go through times of mourning knowing I am done, but for the moment am at peace about it and am just praying for a healthy outcome for momma and baby!!
(For more info on these conditions, click on the links..)

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Lego Birthday...

I know I just posted the pictures from Konner's last birthday, but now he is 4 and I better get these pictures on or you won't see them until he's almost 5!! Again, having a January birthday, it is so hard to get excited about planning a party. When I am in the midst of baking, making, shopping, and spending I often wonder why I even do this. Do the kids even care, will they even remember? Then I realize that they won't be little forever and this chapter in my life is coming to a close faster than I thought. So I embrace the chaos and after it's all said and done I am glad I do it. Plus the compliments I get for my food don't exactly make me feel bad. ;) On a side note, my older kids can usually figure out what birthday something happened at by remembering what theme we had done...
Konner has really been enjoying Legos and in fact that was one of his Christmas gifts. So when I was browsing Pinterest one day and saw some Lego head pops I knew what I was going to do. So without further ado, some pictures!:

Shiloh and Chase

Fruit!! I love fruit, especially right now!

Yummy food...

Time for candles.. 


And more..

Lego head pops.. Made with a large and small marshmallow dipped in candy coating and the faces put on by my teens.. 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Whose Business is it Anyway?

   Sitting in the doctors office and the question comes up,  "How many more times do you want to do this?" My eyes filled with tears and I choked out "I don't know".... For the first time in my 19 years of motherhood my  answer was not "At least once more!".. I have always, always wanted more babies, but this pregnancy with all of it's issues, has definitely taken it's toll on me. (Plus the matter might be completely out of my hands, but I will post more about that on another day.) So it's something that has been on my mind and heart lately. 
    Honestly I have never, that I remember, had any negative comments from the general public about the size of my family. I feel almost that I have negative attitudes more from the Christian family. Not in so many words, but attitudes. I know when I was going through my miscarriages some thought I should do something to prevent pregnancy. And I feel there are others thinking, with all the issues of this time, we should have not had so many kids. Then on the other side I feel like people are thinking because a person decides to be done that they are playing God. All of us have our opinion on the matter and can say what we think, but until it comes down to a personal decision for yourself then you really can't know. Seriously, whose business is it anyway?! I say, nobody's!!! It is between a husband, wife, and God how many kids they will have! 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Konner is 3!!

 *****This post is almost a year old so we will be having a 4th birthday soon! I could not get the pictures to upload then and figured some of the stuff was so cute so still wanted to share!*****

  Konner turned 3 on the 16th and our church's annual meeting is always the same weekend so I did his party on Sunday the 18th..
   With his birthday so close to Christmas I sometimes don't feel like putting much thought into his party or even what to buy him.. I know, there is no rule that says you have to do a themed party, but it is something I typically enjoy doing. B's birthday is in April so I am always getting ideas and excited about his. If I do it for one I should do it for the other(s now that Chase will be having birthdays!)
  Anyway, I was laying in bed one morning and thought why not just do a winter theme with blue and white?! Easy enough.. then I thought of the movie "Frozen" which my littles like and the idea for my party favors came to be. And guess what? I went on Pinterest and saw my idea on there. HA!! I came up with it by myself! LOL So we had a simple Olaf birthday party, he had fun and I didn't stress too much. As my sister told me when I text her and grumbled about forgetting to make the jello jigglers: "Let it Go, Let it Go!" So I did.. And here are a few pictures:

Fun in the Snow...

We wanted to find some snow to 4-by in and let the kids play. So the day after Christmas a group of us all packed up our snow gear, kids, thermoses full of coffee, hot dogs, etc and off we went. Being used to the west side of the state and finding many places to wander we were in for a surprise. With roads closed and not ever having been in the snow up in the hills here it made for a long day! We did lots of turning around and driving until finally we just decided to stop and build a fire. The kids played and the guys had fun trying (and succeeding) on getting their rigs stuck a time or two! It ended up being a long, but fun day! Making memories with the family is what it's all about!!

The cutest snow baby!!

Our Group.. or most, Jacob was off to my left stuck in the ditch!!