Sitting in the doctors office and the question comes up, "How many more times do you want to do this?" My eyes filled with tears and I choked out "I don't know".... For the first time in my 19 years of motherhood my answer was not "At least once more!".. I have always, always wanted more babies, but this pregnancy with all of it's issues, has definitely taken it's toll on me. (Plus the matter might be completely out of my hands, but I will post more about that on another day.) So it's something that has been on my mind and heart lately.
Honestly I have never, that I remember, had any negative comments from the general public about the size of my family. I feel almost that I have negative attitudes more from the Christian family. Not in so many words, but attitudes. I know when I was going through my miscarriages some thought I should do something to prevent pregnancy. And I feel there are others thinking, with all the issues of this time, we should have not had so many kids. Then on the other side I feel like people are thinking because a person decides to be done that they are playing God. All of us have our opinion on the matter and can say what we think, but until it comes down to a personal decision for yourself then you really can't know. Seriously, whose business is it anyway?! I say, nobody's!!! It is between a husband, wife, and God how many kids they will have!